时间:2024-11-05 20:32:12 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Amazingly enough, this is not from Children of the Corn. In a shock probably twice as scary as the m
Amazingly enough, this is not from Children of the Corn.
In a shock probably twice as scary as the movie (all disrespect to the movie, none to this great kid), Redditor conor_goggles writes, "My uncle caught this towards the end of the ceremony."
SEE ALSO:New cookie dough shop opens in NYC to be your best friendApparently this small and sweet child's turtle died, and "without parental supervision," he constructed the cross, dug the grave and got dressed.
My little cousin's turtle died. He made the grave, built the cross, and got dressed without any parental supervision. My uncle caught this towards the end of the ceremony.
His kindness made even Reddit expose their tender side. Sympathetic father ElectricBlumpkin commented, "I have two young sons of my own, and I know how deeply they feel and how much they struggle to express their feelings. I think your little cousin is a fine young man with a big heart who just wants the world to acknowledge the feelings he had for his turtle. He's a good lad. Give him a hug."
Aaaand now we're crying.
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