时间:2024-12-04 22:41:24 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Summer is coming to a close and that means one thing -- last-minute vacations!。SEE ALSO:'Ice Cream B
Summer is coming to a close and that means one thing -- last-minute vacations! 。
SEE ALSO:'Ice Cream Books' is your delicious Instagram for summer reading 。This week on the MashReads Podcast, we chat all things summer reading. What do we like to read during the summer? What makes a good vacation book? Are "beach reads" actually a thing?
Join us as we take a deep dive into all things summer reading.。
Thanks for signing up!。 Also, if you are looking for something new to read, check out our official MashableReads September book club selection。The Girls 。
by Emma Cline.。Emma Cline will be chatting with MashReads IRL on。Sept. 29。 , at 。6:30 p.m. ET。 , at。MashableHQ。 in 。New York City。
. We hope that you can join us. You can RSVP here. 。
And if you're looking for more book news, don't forget to follow MashReads on Facebook and Twitter.
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