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时间:2025-02-11 22:42:40 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Our kitchen sponges do a lot of work. Don't they deserve a good night's rest?"Sure," said design stu
Our kitchen sponges do a lot of work. Don't they deserve a good night's rest?
"Sure," said design studio Ototo. And thus, the Clean Dreams sponge holder was born.。
SEE ALSO:7 must-have back-to-school tech products for college students。For all its goofiness, Clean Dreams is a nice little tech product. It even has an internal spine and slots to help your sponge drain as it rests. Plus, it's adorable. You'll be penning sweet sponge lullabies in no time.。
Thanks for signing up!。
Each sponge bed costs $15 and can be purchased from the Ototo website.。 And a word to the naysayers: we all watched 。 Spongebob,
so this isn't weird. 。
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