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时间:2025-02-11 22:27:51 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Internet, meet your new spirit animal.。Scientists aboard the research vessel the E/V Nautilus, off t
Internet, meet your new spirit animal.。
Scientists aboard the research vessel the E/V Nautilus, off the coast of California, were shocked and delighted to find this little squid chilling on the ocean floor. 。
SEE ALSO:Playful dolphin at SeaWorld snatches woman's iPad, splashes everyone。According to the commentary, the researchers concluded that the strange creature with big "googly eyes" was a cuttlefish, but is actually called a Stubby squid (or a 。 Rossia pacifica。Rossia pacifica。
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The bright purple color and enormous eyes makes the sea creature look almost fake. "It’s like some little kid dropped their toy," said one scientist in the video commentary. 。
Another exclaimed, "do something!Another exclaimed, "do something!" on the commentary. If you look very close, you can see one of its tentacles moving slowly.。
Via Giphy 。
Of course, perfectly round, googly eyes aren't entirely uncommon in the animal kingdom. A new species of frog found in Costa Rica, for example, looks just like Kermit the Frog.。
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